The collaborative Partnership Development research project between Wayamba University of Sri Lanka and the University of Alberta, University of Guelph (Canada), supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), have successfully completed an interactive and hands-on two-day Technology Stewardship workshop. This workshop was conducted to develop capacity among the Department of Export Agriculture (DOEA) staff to be technology stewards and use ICTs for agricultural plus rural development. The workshop was held September 29-30, 2016 at the In-Service Training Institute of the Department of Export Agriculture in Matale, Sri Lanka.
The course was designed as four modules involving 12 hours of classroom instruction over 2 days. After finishing all four training modules, participants received a certificate.
In the sessions participants learned:
- The key principles and activities involved in technology stewardship for inclusive innovation.
- To plan design and implement a technology prototype and related activities needed to carry out a limited duration communication campaigning using low-cost technologies.
- To plan, design and implement an evaluation to assess and report on the outcome of the communication campaign and their involvement as a technology steward.
- To lead a community engagement activity to identify a key need or priority for a limited duration communication campaign using low-cost technologies.
This was a pilot course that was presented as part of an ongoing action research in the project. Thank you to our collaborating institutions and to all the participants and instructors for attending this workshop.