Wednesday, July 30, 2014

List of academic journals and publications on ICT4D

ICTWorks has compiled a list of 79 journals and publications related to ICT4D.  It's not clear which ones are open access but it's a good starting point nevertheless.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Surveys with Farmer Communities in Melsiripura, Dambahera and Rideegam

The survey team comprised Nuwan from LIRNEasia, myself from Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (WUSL) and team of students affiliated with the ICT Centre of WUSL. We surveyed the local communities affiliated with the Department of Export Agriculture (DOEA). Basically there are two campaigns at DOEA and it cover the Melsiripura and Rideegam Divisional Secretariats of Kurunegala District. The previous survey tools (surveys with farmer communities in Batticaloa) were practiced.

                                      Survey conducted in DOEA- North

                                        Survey conducted in DOEA- North