Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Running Campaigns..

There are four campaigns running in different locations with the identified three sponsors namely Department of Export Agriculture (DOEA), Rangiri Radio and Janathakshan. Each campaign runs on a separate Frontlinesms instance. All  technology stewards were trained for technologies used in campaign at the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. 

DOEA North campaign started on 08 April 2014. There were around 20 farmers registered in the system in same day. The Frontlinesms instance is installed on a laptop computer at DOEA sub office situated in Govijana Sewa Center in Melsiripura. Mr. Chandana is the tech-steward operates there and Mrs. Gunasekara assisting him for official works. Both were trained as Technology Stewards in Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. This campaign main target audience is Ginger, Pepper and Cinnamon farmers.

DOEA South campaign started on 28 April 2014. This setup is installed on a desktop computer in DOEA main office, Kurunegala. Mr. Mahendra and Mr. Upul serve as the tech stewards there. This campaign main target audience is Ginger, Pepper and Cinnamon farmers. In this season Ginger became most prominent export agriculture crop among farmers because of having high market price in last season.

       Mr. Chandana – DOEA North Tech steward            Mr. Mahendra, Upul – DOEA South Tech stewards
 Janathakshan campaign started on 02 May 2014. Mr Kamalaraj serves as the tech stewards there.  The Frontlinesms instance is initially installed at RDS office building at Kathiraweli. It’s configured as solar powering turnkey solution. Later this Frontlinesms instance is moved to the tech-steward’s home at Batticaloa and now running it from there.

Rangiri campaign started on 06 May 2014. Mr. Buddhika, Mr. Ranga and Mr. Dilanka serves as the tech stewards there.  The Frontlinesms instance is installed on a desktop at their office building at Dambulla. Basically this campaign interacted with listener groups. They use this system to song request specially to dedicate these songs to their friends and family members.

       Mr. Kamalaraj – Janathakshan Tech steward     Mr. Ranga & Dilanka – Rangiri Radio Tech stewards